Sandra Blow Blue Square Collage
investing in art
Our network of experienced specialist advisors constantly monitor the art market and gauge the works best suited to specific collectors. This ensures our clients are given crucial advice as to when suitable artwork becomes available at auction or from our private vendors. Our artworks are valued and priced competitively, ensuring they are as good an investment as possible.
When purchasing a piece of artwork for investment there are several factors to consider. Whilst the artist’s name is crucial, equally important are condition, style, quality, subject and provenance. We are constantly acquiring new artworks from old masters, sporting art, modern and contemporary. We are always available to give solid and honest advice on these and any other potential purchases. It is important to be clear on the balance you are drawing between aesthetic and investment appeal. We can help with that very personal choice.
The best insurance against investment disappointment is knowing that you love owning the work.