emma zhang
Emma Zhang was born in Wuhan, China in 1982. She studied in China at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Wuhan, and then in France at the École supérieure d’art Annecy Alpes and the École supérieure d’art et de design Marseille-Méditerranée. Zhang now works from her studio in the Daxing district of Beijing City. Talking about her artistic practice, Zhang explains, “I want to pull away from the so-called ‘meaning’ of artistic expression. I want to avoid many ideological and complex things, and make the painting as pure as possible. So I don't even name my works, they have their own expression.”
Zhang is a purist - in thought, technique, composition and materials. Typical of many a minimalist artist, but not perhaps for an emerging young painter, she has devoted her practice to developing one major theme in a growing body of work for over six years. Her trademark is an earthy reduced palette of beiges, browns and soft hues. Her media are acrylic paints, handmade paper, antique books/magazine and various fabrics. Her studio floor is covered in piles of paper sheets, fabrics and cuttings. There is an effortless stillness and satisfaction achieved through her reduced compositions, organic nature and tonal limitations. Zhang’s work seems purely monochromatic, but upon closer inspection there are a network of layers, typography, subtle tonal shifts and textures. They are in understated combinations which encourage the viewer to take time to explore and enjoy the work. Zhang’s work turns out to hold a surprising, pleasurable challenge. Viewers are invited to tune into the work and – in effect – complete it for themselves. Once they have snuck into the viewers’ inner eye, they will probably stay there as welcome guests. Agnes Martin is a clear and acknowledged inspiration of Zhang’s work. Like Martin, Zhang rejects the obvious vibrancy and clamour of life – man-made or natural - and dedicates herself to drawing inspiration from the quieter more delicate elements which lie beneath.
Zhang explains, "At first sight , many people would say that my works are too simple, but among these different shades of reduced colour, there are my feelings and views on life. I like to observe nature and everything around me. The earth, the plants and the stones in nature are the original source of my sense of colour. If you keep your eyes on life, you will find all sorts of interesting permutations. My studio walls, floors, doors and windows are all my inspirations....”